Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Graduate

Today was Ryan's last day of preschool.

The kids all brought bikes, trikes or scooters to school and decorated them during class.  During the last half hour, they had a "bike rodeo" and paraded around the parking lot.  The weather has been rainy...and today was to be no different.  Literally minutes before they were to go out (and just as "plan B" was about to go into effect), the rain stopped and held the entire time they were outside.  After riding their bikes around, they all headed to the playground for one more romp as the Busy Bee's Class of 2010.

This evening...a potluck was held for the families and classmates.  The children sang praises to God, and then sang songs for the dads & grandpa's (for father's day).  The kids were then shuffled back into another room and it was announced that they were going to get into their caps and gowns for their graduation ceremony.  I knew they would have a graduation ceremony...I just didn't know it involved caps and gowns!  This just added a level of formality and finality that I wasn't quite prepared for, and my emotions (that I had thus far been successful at keeping in check) got the best of me.  Tears welled in my eyes, and one or two escaped to roll down my cheek.
The sight of each child entering the room when his or her name was called was priceless.  Each came out in a different way...different posture, different energy...each fitting of the child beneath the gown.  It was a very special event, one that I know I will always remember.
Thank you to Miss Vicki & Miss Wendy... and to Noah's Arc Preschool for the FABULOUS job!

To view more pics of Ryan's last week of preschool, head to the Hymas Photos section of the website.


Unknown said...

Andi. Really nice write up! It was such a fun evening! It's amazing that our Ryan is ready to go to school now. Time goes by soooooo fast.

dshymas said...

It was a very touching graduation... I really enjoyed it thanks for letting us share these moments.

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