Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Darndest Things - Christmas Edition

The boys and I decided to be brave and were doing a little shopping at Costco.  For those who haven't been to a Costco, it is a very large warehouse-style store with displayed merchandise surrounded by towering stacks of product (I think its kinda like a Sam's Club??).

I was looking at some Christmas decorations and the glistening diamonds in the brightly lit jewelry case across the aisle caught Ryan's eye.  He "wow"-ed at the shiny rocks and excitedly called for me with a "MOM!!  LOOK!!!".  I turned around and faced him...he lovingly looked me in the eye and said "MOM...maybe I'll buy you a ring for Christmas...."  I felt my heart melt and a smile start to come across my face when he finished his thought with a heartfelt sincerity and a bit too much enthusiasm "...then you and dad can get MARRIED!!!"

I think the look of shock set those standing around us straight...or it could be the fact that I quickly reminded him that daddy and I already WERE married.


Thom Hoch said...

Yes, but I'm with Ryan on this one... it might be good to have another... just to make sure.


Hymas Life said...

Are you offering to pay for another wedding??? ;)

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