Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A New Tradition...

I know this is a long blog...but stick with me...I think its worth it!!!

Yesterday (Tuesday the 12th) was my 35th birthday...and I like to believe that I have grown wiser with each passing year (even though in my brain I'd like to think I'm stuck somewhere in my 20's).

On Monday night, I was laying in bed thinking about my birthday the following day, thinking abouthow I wanted to celebrate, of "blowing off" eating healthy (mmm....cake), and just going for the gusto!!  This is for no other reason than because its a celebration!  Right??  Isn't that what we do???

I then had a bit of an do I really want to start my 36th year?  I decided that I'd like my birthday to set precedence for what my year will be.  I decided that instead of "letting go" of everything, that I should do exactly the opposite...exhibit self-control, go through the day mindfully...always thankful for all the blessings in my life and what I DO have.

After this thought...I also started thinking about how people set New Year's resolutions (kind of cliche now-a days)...and how the vast majority do NOT stick to them even a mere 30 days after making the resolution!  Why is this??  Is it because they are coming down off of the Holiday High, so perhaps a bit drunk with sugar and now also maybe a bit hung over (who hasn't had that "I'm NEVER going to drink again!" moment??)??  Is it the peer pressure (everyone else is doing it!!)??  Everyone starts with good intentions, with a huge "can do" attitude, and even though they start with good intentions, almost all never reach those goals.  I started to wonder...perhaps the focus is not so much on the person setting the goals, but more on the New Year's tradition??  OR perhaps my brain, late at night, just makes me THINK these are good ideas :)

Whatever the reasons behind it are... I have decided I'm going to break away from tradition.  I will no longer set New Year's resolutions.  I will instead set Birthday Resolutions.  These resolutions/goals have been set by me, for me...and on my birthday...making them very much about me (the way resolutions should be).  Next year, when I finish the completion of my 36th year of life...I will also be celebrating the resolutions and goals I have accomplished in the year, and will reflect on what I want to accomplish in my 37th year.

I now have a typed, signed and dated contract with myself.  I printed out several copies and posted them where I will be reminded of my promise to myself.  Others can see them as well, and I intentionally did this because, for me, I do better when I know others are also aware of what I have or have not accomplished.

SO...for those who want to see, here is the link...Birthday Resolutions!!

We did go out to dinner for my birthday, but instead of heading out and getting the fattiest food I wanted (burgers/fries and other fried morsels, pasta dishes oozing with sauce, bread and more bread), and eating all the sweets I could fit into my already full tummy, we went to McGraths.  They have some really good fresh and local (Pacific NW) seafood fare...and I LOVE my seafood.  Don't get me can definitely come out blowing your diet anyways if you don't avoid the cream sauces and the butter-filled dishes.  I opted for the fresh grilled halibut with steamed veggies, and I did indulge just a little with a cup of their delicious clam chowder (shared with Evan) and a few bites of marionberry cobbler (shared with the whole table).  All in all much better than I was imagining while laying in bed on Monday before my epiphany!  It was a great birthday...thanks babe for making it so.  I love you!


Thom Hoch said...

Great Post Buggie...
I like the idea and I'm sending positive vibrations to you... to help you accomplish your goals. You're motivated and I know you can do amazing things. My best wishes to you on you're 35th.

And you've motivated me to make a resolution to make my own set of birthday resolutions... on my next birthday.

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