Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cognitive Changes and Relocating

I've been noticing more cognitive changes in both of the boys lately.  Ryan has hit the stage where he really wants to be independent and do things for himself, and truly believes that he is in control.  He enjoys getting himself dressed, putting on his own shoes, getting his own snacks and water, using keys to unlock the front door or the key fob to unlock the car, opening the garage, etc.  I'm sure I could go on for a few pages on all the things he is doing (or wanting to do) for himself lately.  At times this has not worked out so well.  The messes he has made lately trying to do things for himself have been adding up.  Toilet paper all over the floor (and clogging the toilet) and a combination of toothpaste and mouth rinse coating the sink are among the bigger messes.  This is a great stage, and watching him grow like this makes me smile every time despite the frustration I feel from the messes left behind for me to manage.

Evan has been doing more "problem solving" lately.  He is definitely my little climber, and will at least try to climb on anything he can.  He is also continuing to master walking which is his chosen method of mobility these days... tottering and toddling around with his hands stretched out in front of him (we have been calling this his zombie walk) a huge grin on his face and a sparkle of pride in his eyes.  During this past week I noticed him pushing a small chair around that he would then use to climb up to new levels.  Once he pushed it against the couch and was able to climb up onto the couch independently.  Another time I had skillfully placed an object in the middle of the coffee table so it was out of his reach... that is until he pushed the chair up against it.  He is definitely thinking and problem solving how to get to things he can't otherwise reach.   A new level of development for him... HOORAY!!!  

This week we are signing paperwork to close on selling our current house, and also to purchase a new house.  We are pretty much all packed up and ready to move.  Planning to make the big move on Friday...if all continues to go smoothly this week.  We'll then be Camas-ites, or Camasonians... or Camasians???????  Ok... we'll be living in Camas!  


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