Saturday, September 11, 2010

Darnedest Things #2

In my last posting... I forgot about another funny thing Ryan has said lately.

On every other Wed., the kindergarteners are in school for almost 5 hours (compared to their usual day of just under 3).  This is the longest Ry has ever been in school before, and I think by lunch time he had had it!  Ryan went home with a friend after school as I had to work that day, and when I called him, he excitedly told me about his day and threw in "OH...and I cried!".  I asked if he had gotten hurt or if he was just sad.... he responded (still excitedly with a hint of astonishment) with "I don't know!  Water just started coming out of my eyes!!"  I repeated my question, and he repeated his answer.  Apparently it had just been a long day, and he was ready to go home.  He is still very excited about school and loves going (thankfully).


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