Friday, September 10, 2010

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

Ryan has been full of these lately.

Ryan and Evan are playing (rough).  Evan jumped up and clung to Ryan like a bear cub clings to a tree.  Ryan supported him for about 10 seconds before toppling down to the carpet, Evan still clinging to him.  Ryan popped up...and said.... "MOM...Did you see that?!?!  I carried Evan!  Now you don't need a babysitter....I can babysit Evan!!!"

Thing #2:
When we come home from a camping trip, Ryan likes to "help" me pull the car forward after detaching the tent-trailer.  This usually entails us moving the car forward about 2 feet.  One day (the day after returning from such a trip), we were getting in the car and Ryan said.... "Mom, can I drive to the store?"  I look at him with an "are you crazy" face and say "".  "But let me drive yesterday!!"  I had to inform him that helping to pull the car forward in the driveway does not qualify him to drive on the road.

Thing #3:
Ryan had 2 frogs that had gone from tadpole to frog in a little habitat we had in our house.  One of the frogs died very shortly after becoming a frog.  About 2 weeks later, the other frog died.  I told Ryan and he asked me  (with a bit of saddness in his voice) "Why did he die??"  I scrambled in my head to find the right words... all I could come up with was "Honey... I don't know.  We did everything we could...we fed him, made sure his home was clean...I just don't know".  Ryan looked at me and I saw enlightenment run across his face as he said.... "I know why he died!"  I thought uh oh...this could be interesting....and hesitantly muttered "why is that?"  "Because Jesus told him it was his time!"  Pure clarity.  I couldn't have said it better.

Thing #4:
We were riding home in the car (Ryan and Evan in the back, I was driving).  Evan was asking repeatedly for gum.  I had told him no...and was ignoring the barrage of further requests.  Ryan turns to Evan and says "Evan...what mom says, I say.  Mom says no, then I say no.  I'm older than you....I'm older, like a big person! So, NO gum!"

I'll continue to post these as they come be looking for more in the future!!


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