Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Sunshine and Success!

Sunshine.... warm, radiating sunshine!  We have been very blessed to be experiencing summer-like spring weather.  A VERY welcome change from the usual wet weather we most often experience this time of year.

This morning I had brunch with a friend in Portland... I returned to find all 3 boys outside enjoying every minute.  Gage was doing some yard work, Ryan was running around doing whatever struck his imagination, and Evan was enjoying his swing.  As I came out to join them, Ryan was already excitedly telling me about his day.  The most exciting part he had to show me... he learned to ride his tricycle!!  Success!!  Gage had made a "start" and "finish" line with chalk on our concrete patio, and Ryan would race from one side to the other and them back again... pedaling as fast as his little legs would go.  Quite a contrast from last year when Ryan didn't have much interest in learning to pedal.  But that has changed.  He is "bigger" now, as he likes to tell me.

After all the boys had gone into the house, Ryan and Evan napping... I was laying in the lawn soaking up some Vitamin D while talking on the phone with my folks.  While laying there I noticed two Chickadees pecking at a dead area on our oak tree, making a potential future home.  I found it mesmerizing... one would peck for a while, then fly to a nearby branch for a break while the other one took over.  Such teamwork and dedication... all to find and make a suitable nesting area.  Ahhhh.... spring!!  


Unknown said...

Did the Chickadee's make a home in your tree? Ryan is changing soooo fast. Nice blog!

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